Monday, April 2, 2007

Mondays.... what more can I say:)

What a busy weekend! M started her tumbling class on Saturday and had a great time. We also went and bought her new big girl car seat- she got to pick it out, so of course it has pink flowers on it:) Whatever works! Yesterday we went to Marshalltown to see the in-laws and we got to watch Cars on grandpas new projection tv- 4 by 8 feet would about take up our whole wall- but it was kind of neat.

I realized I forgot to mention O in my last post! Oooops! He is getting bigger by the minute and is army crawling to get where ever he wants to go. He can get up on his hands and knees and rocks, but can't quite figure out the real crawl out yet (and I hope it takes awhile! At least he is slow moving right now.)

I'll try to post pictures soon!

M on the commute this morning was having her stuffed panda sing to O- "I don't mind if slobber on me, Please don't grab on me, and on and on" Then she says "that was wrotten by Panda Cosette. all of the panda operas are wrotten by panda cosette." I'm still giggling about her made up songs!

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