Monday, April 16, 2007


So I wasn't able to login and I was blaming blogger- nope my own fault!

Mom has been staying with us since Wednesday night and watching the kids- what would I do without her??? Sarah flies in today and Maggie can't wait to see her!

O has been doing fine, if you overlook the yucky cold he has had for over a week and the lack of sleep! (both Owen and mama!) he is happy as a clam during the day- but nights aren't much fun! He has mastered army crawling and is quick- I love to watch him chase after his train!

She had her 2nd tumbling class Saturday and did fine- she is one of only a couple kids that can't do a somersault by themselves, but she is also one of the youngest. She'll get it eventually!

Easter was fun- the bunny brought 2 baskets:) (Thank you Aunt Leah!) So she was doubly excited!

Some funnies:

From M while watching "Ace of Cakes"
M: Mama you can have some of dadas wedding cake when he gets married.
Me: I would hope I am the one he is marrying!
M: No mama, he will marry a dirtier woman.
Me:(once I could breathe again after laughing so hard!) Where did you hear that?
M: Shrek.
(I need to watch it again I guess!!)

I went to pick her up from Sunday School yesterday and she hugged the teacher and said "I have jesus in my heart" that was the theme of the lesson, so the teacher was happy to know that it rubbed off:)

Mom had her draw a card for my nana (she is in a lot of pain from shingles) Maggie wrote and wrote and then told mom what it said "god loves you. you need to pray. say Thank you for your wonderful family" Seriously I don't know where she gets it- we just started going to church on a regular basis... Maybe Sunday school is rubbing off on her!

Have a great Monday!


jessov said...

Glad to see you back up and running! M is so hilarious!

Maria said...

You and Miss M crack me up! Thanks for sharing!